FAQs Antiqa

1. Why Antiqa?

Premium Handcrafter Jewelry Collection with exceptional customer support are the reason to choose Antiqa.in over the other marketplace for Handcrafter Antique Jewelry.

2. How do I cancel my order?

You can cancel your order anytime within 24 Hours of Placing an Order but you cannot cancel once your order is processed.

3. Can exchange/return the order after receiving the parcel?

Yes, you can easily exchange/return the orders after receiving the parcel. We have made our exchange and return policies simplified and easy to understand for the convenience of our customers

4. What if I receive a wrong or damaged product?

You can return or exchange if you get the damaged, wrong or stained product. We have a very simplified exchange and return policy that is easy to understand.

5. Why my package is returned?

  • A.Wrong or incomplete address
  • B.Invalid phone number or customer unavailable
  • C.Wrong postal code